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The following players have worn the jersey number 92

Bickers, Gary 1964
DE Smalley, Steve 1967,68
DE McNeill, Fred 1971,72,73 All-American in 73
LB Fowler, John 1975,76,77
Batchkoff, Frank 1983,84,85,86
Zeno, Eric 1987
Werner, Matt 1990,91,92,93
Eby, Josh 1994,95
TE Hakes, Randy 1998,99
DT Morgan, Steve 2000,01,02 Also wore 64 in 99
DL Brown, Kevin 2003 Primarily wore 75 in 04,06,07
ST Martin, Travis 2007
DT Price, Brian 2008,09 Consensus All-American in 09, true freshman starter, also wore 95 in 07
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