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Rafer Johnson vs C.K. Yang  95 Bruin 12/10 10:35 am [show all] (817 views)
I was there.. SagoBob 2/24 2:45 pm
NICE!!! ROOTY NM A W Root Beer Bear 2/25 9:28 pm
Extraordinary memory MR.GKD 2/27 10:47 am
HAD NOAH BUILT THE ARK OR WAS THAT A W Root Beer Bear 3/09 8:55 pm
Found another clip of Apisa/Stiles meeting 1966  uclanman 8/08 9:38 am [show all] (644 views)
Incredible moment! bruinbrain 10/13 11:55 am
What was the name of the rock song that  cnet 1/21 6:45 pm [show all] (1516 views)
Enter Sandman (Metallica) migueleato 1/21 7:03 pm
No, that's not the one cnet 1/21 7:09 pm
Song SBgrad 9/10 9:49 pm
During the Mora years? GDKT 1/21 7:04 pm
No, before that cnet 1/21 7:10 pm
Free Fallin’ westwoodwon 1/21 7:15 pm
No. Not the one cnet 1/21 7:16 pm
Van Halen Lot6 1/21 7:22 pm
Bingo! cnet 1/21 7:25 pm
Saliva- ladies and gentlemen lifelongbruin 1/21 7:20 pm
I would like this one by AC/DC trtl4x4 1/22 12:32 pm
The best song was and always will be OswegoBruin 1/22 12:39 pm
I always liked Bedbug 1/22 1:08 pm
Yep Thunderstruck. * nm MR.GKD 1/22 3:29 pm
We can't play Come Out and Play BollockyBill 1/11 10:21 pm
We played it in the 90s Colt Seavers 3/07 1:34 pm
At the end of the game Bedbug 7/27 2:19 pm
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2024 recruiting  Rivaldo.10 5/28 9:25 am [show all] (1161 views)
Wooden and Moses  Funkster 9/03 6:32 am [show all] (1865 views)
Hey Funkster… Old bruin79 9/03 3:19 pm
try 70sDude 10/12 8:10 am
Anybody see the "Apisa Moment" live on TV '66 Rosebowl?  carloschivo1954 12/14 9:50 pm [show all] (1817 views)
I saw it live on TV- born 1953 danucla1 12/14 10:44 pm
I was there !!! nylasbruin 12/15 11:06 am
Yes, greatest single moment in UCLA FB history. BruinRenaissance 12/14 10:50 pm
On side kick rockin bruin 12/15 3:51 am
Yes, the defensive front made Apisa run parallel BruinRenaissance 12/15 8:02 am
Coletto actually made the tackle. 88Straight 12/15 8:43 am
He was an outstanding DB. 88Straight 12/15 9:59 am
Fairy tale my @ss. All these links say otherwise. BruinRenaissance 12/15 10:55 am
3 CHEERS! BRUINS 1 12/15 11:06 am
I knew I had the play corect lol !!! nylasbruin 12/15 11:19 am
It still amazes me newenglander 12/15 5:00 am
STEAMER'S HOME VIDEO A W Root Beer Bear 12/15 6:23 am
Stiles! Hall Of Fame Play Rgb76 12/15 6:24 am
THE VIDEOS U BEEN HOPING TO SEE... A W Root Beer Bear 12/15 7:15 am
Big Thanks! Rgb76 12/15 8:12 am
Thank you very much, Rooty. BruinRenaissance 12/15 8:17 am
Wow! Just wow! BRUINS 1 12/15 8:31 am
I was at the Rose Bowl! Alta Loma Bruin 12/15 7:24 am
Well, my memory was almost exact… Alta Loma Bruin 12/15 9:25 am
that's ok newenglander 12/15 9:40 am
Thanks to all for your comments carloschivo1954 12/15 11:11 am
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funny video from '52 we defeat $outhern comfort, tv has  JosephineBruin 8/22 1:16 pm [show all] (1036 views)
Gold AnthemForOne 9/02 11:22 am
la femme video, highlights when we beat fig tech  JosephineBruin 8/22 1:20 pm [show all] (1470 views)
Best UCLA single wing footage I've ever seen...  PasadenaBruin 4/23 7:34 pm [show all] (3347 views)
Thank you Section 2! (NM) PasadenaBruin 4/23 9:43 pm
My dad is #86 in that video Evangsmith2002 4/24 10:02 am
Evangsmith 2002 I have to ask ... PasadenaBruin 4/24 12:10 pm
I ran track with your dad DocJock 4/24 2:14 pm
I will forward the compliment. Evangsmith2002 4/24 6:05 pm
Anybody know how to private message??? Evangsmith2002 4/24 6:21 pm
totalllly awesome nm JosephineBruin 4/24 3:16 pm
Your dad, Southern Drawl SagoBob 4/23 8:39 pm
+1 8ball 4/23 9:31 pm
Sago: I was going to post this ... PasadenaBruin 4/23 9:36 pm
Very true... PasadenaBruin 4/23 10:36 pm
I Was On Campus Then DocJock 4/24 2:04 pm
BTW Pasadena Bruin DocJock 4/24 2:11 pm
The pseudonym Southern Drawl... PasadenaBruin 4/24 7:02 pm
Sandersd Old Blue Dog 7/03 2:20 pm
It brings back some good memories SagoBob 4/24 9:17 am
add newenglander 7/05 11:55 am
Thanks for the tip 8ball 4/23 9:32 pm
A direct link to the video HailToTheHills 4/23 11:24 pm
Has to be the 1988 team BRUINS 1 4/24 7:30 pm
Question About Conoga Hawaii Bruin 4/26 6:35 pm
Not Sure HB DocJock 4/28 8:08 am
Singlewing Old Blue Dog 7/03 2:27 pm
That's True DocJock 7/04 8:32 am
This single wing Troegemssuck 4/25 6:11 am
video'79 vs buckeyes, wrightman a beast, abc keithjackson  JosephineBruin 7/05 10:58 am [show all] (530 views)
Cool article on 1954 team  Wandering Jomad 6/28 9:40 am [show all] (583 views)
'53 prank lollllllllllllllz  JosephineBruin 11/16 6:59 pm [show all] (848 views)
Now that is awesome! * You See Us 11/17 10:54 am
Correction BRUINS 1 5/29 11:35 am
A look back, the '92 UCLA - sc game  bigtmebruin 5/16 10:05 am [show all] (829 views)
Back when it was THE game BRUINS 1 5/20 1:33 pm
About Maddox,Barnes And Stokes DocJock 5/28 3:37 pm
Correction on my part Woochifer 5/28 7:42 pm
Phantom TD BRUINS 1 5/29 11:32 am
I was there and it was spectacular! nm JosephineBruin 5/21 6:43 am
This was my introduction to the rivalry Colt Seavers 5/24 5:20 pm
'89 cotton bowl video  JosephineBruin 5/11 2:45 pm [show all] (665 views)
We were among the 50 + Bruin fans there bruinstan22 5/13 9:58 am
Great defense! BruinPete 5/14 4:22 am
Thanks for posting Josie... bigtmebruin 5/14 10:57 am
cool '67 video vs vols at coli.  JosephineBruin 5/10 2:06 pm [show all] (534 views)
big game newenglander 5/10 3:43 pm
outstanding defensive game newenglander 5/10 6:59 pm
'84 rose bowl videoooooooooooooooo we won  JosephineBruin 4/18 3:56 pm [show all] (706 views)
I was there.... SCchupa 4/18 4:29 pm
I was in the band! Saddleback Bruin 4/18 6:34 pm
are the bruin band uniforms and michigans A W Root Beer Bear 4/18 6:57 pm
My memory of this game is .... BruinSwin 4/19 7:47 pm
'86 rose bowl videoooooooo we won  JosephineBruin 4/18 2:06 pm [show all] (488 views)
thanks the ol and fullback mel farr jr blocking A W Root Beer Bear 4/19 1:55 am
VIDEO from 1955- unis & crowd looks great.  JosephineBruin 1/18 4:33 pm [show all] (880 views)
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